Grains Pigeon Bird Food 5kg

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Grains Pigeon Bird Food 5kg

Brand: Green Valley

Categories: Bird Food, Birds, Bird Seeds



Features & Benefits

Green Valley Grains Pigeon Bird Food is a premium blend of nutritious and natural seeds, specifically formulated to meet the dietary needs of pigeons. This 5kg bag caters to the tastes of these beautiful birds while promoting overall health and vitality.

Enriched with added oils, this mix provides an extra boost of nutrition, supporting the birds' energy levels, feather health, and overall wellbeing. Green Valley’s carefully crafted recipe ensures that pigeons will love their meal, while pet owners can have peace of mind, knowing they are providing their birds with top-quality nutrition.


This premium pigeon bird food blend comes in a convenient 5kg bag, perfect for those with small to medium-sized flocks. It’s an ideal choice for hobbyists, breeders, and pigeon enthusiasts looking for a dependable, high-quality food source for their beloved birds.

- Australian customers trust Planet Pet to provide the best products for their companions. - Green Valley is a well-respected brand in the pet products industry. - The delicious blend of seeds and added oils ensures pigeon satisfaction. - A suitable choice for hobbyists, breeders, and pigeon enthusiasts alike.

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